Field Force Book Club
Free for all to join. We meet online monthly, to discuss a work of wealth. We have fun discussing how we can enjoy applying it to our lives. Come and join us!
You can attend live, or at time that suits you, in the replay of our discussion below. I would love to hear your thoughts in the comments section!
Books we have discussed so far:
1. 'The Richest Man in Babylon' by George Clason
2. 'The 4-Hour Work Week' by Timothy Ferriss
3. 'The Wealth Chef' by Ann Wilson
4. 'Think and Grow Rich' by Napoleon Hill
5. 'The Millionaire Next Door' by Thomas J.Stanley & William D. Danko
6. 'WHY Smart People Make Big Money Mistakes and HOW to Correct Them' by Gary Belsky & Thomas Gilovich
7. 'Rich Dad Poor Dad' by Robert Kiyosaki
8. 'Getting Things Done' by David Allen
Next up:
9. 'The One Minute Millionaire' by Mark Victor Hansen & Robert Allen
Join Field Force Book Club

Rievaulx Calling
Based on my EP 'Rievaulx', you will be able to hear more about this upcoming event in my blog and through my mailing list.

Maamtrasna Summit
Based on my album 'Maamtrasna Blues', you will be able to hear more about this future event through my mailing list and in my blog.
Listening Through Time - A Sound Approach to Heritage
Workshops on heritage and creativity
at St Anne's Charterhouse, Coventry

Clocking the Heights of Heritage
Using the power of sound to enjoy this Grade 1 listed former Carthusian Priory, with Medieval paintings of historical significance.

A River of Listening
Creating deep insight into the River Sherbourne and its relationship with this historic site of St Ann's Charterhouse Coventry.

Thank you Sara - another well prepared workshop mixing the historical with the mystical, in a venue which promotes the concept of calm and stillness.
Rosemary A

40mins to achieve a relaxation I only find after a holiday
Katrina G
Feminine Power - A Sound Approach
A series of 3 retreats in Glastonbury for women
at Chalice Well Hill

From Cell to Well
Starting in Spring, we examine the healing power of water, using sacred water from Chalice Well Gardens. With our focus on flow and elimination, we access the creative source within ourselves.

From Wired to Fired
Meeting on the day of the Summer Solstice itself, we use this stillpoint in the year, to maximise the use of our own fire. Using mantra and sound practices, we look after ourselves with good boundaries, assertiveness and true authority.

From Bone to Crone
Entering Autumn, we focus on knowledge held in our bones. With mantras for Time itself, we fully occupy our relationship to age and the access of deep knowing.

The results have been good. I have stepped away from a hectic busy professional life style, gently learning the art of being kind to myself
Val C

Sara is adept at helping the novice to explore the vibrational world. I was fascinated by my day
Sarah F
I am an experienced speaker and enjoy communicating with large audiences on a variety of topics. For me, public speaking is a joy and a pleasure.

Liverpool Hope University
'Mantra, Mystery and Reverberation in Post-War Coventry'
Speaker at 'Sacred Places' Conference created by Liverpool Hope research cluster: Cartographies of Belonging

Chelsea, London
'Coventry: Sounding Through Cycles, Visioning Through Time'
Annual Conference Speaker, at The Gatekeeper Trust Charity

Chalice Hill, Glastonbury
'Talking Landscapes: Sounding Cov and the Spirit of Place'